Project Details

Construction of Library at Laxmipuram Z.P. High School

Lakshmipuram, Visakhapatnam District, AP

Library was constructed in Zilla Parishad High School, Lakshmipuram Village, Visakhaptnam District of Andhrapradesh. Bighelp constructed this library using donation from Ghosh/Chasin Fund and by soliciting donations of materials and workmanship from the local community.

The Zilla Parishad High School is a public school that serves students in Lakshmipuram village and its surrounding villages of Chodavaram mandal in Visakhapatnam district of Andhra Pradesh. This school has around 270 students studying between 6th and 10th standards. With limited number of classrooms that are hardly sufficient to meet the demands of students and teachers, having a library for the school was a most amazing thing that students and teachers could dream since its incorporation in 1988. This library was constructed on the roof of the existing school building with quiet environment and lot of open space for students to sit outside and read. Around 1500 books and a computer that was provided by the Government was setup in the library to serve the students. Headmaster had appointed one of the teachers Mr. Ramana Babu as in-charge to maintain the library. Together, Bighelp, school staff, students and local community continue to identify and prioritize additions to the library

Our sincere appreciation Dt:30-May-2007

Our heartfelt thanks to Ghosh/Chasin Fund, volunteers, members and school staff who made this project come true. Our special thanks to Chodavaram Project Director Mr. V.Seshagiri Rao , Assistant Executive Director (Admin) Mr. S. Seshagiri Rao, Executive Director Mrs. Sarojini Maturi and the project committee members for their coordination and hard work throughout the implementation of this project.

-S.Chand Pasha, President & Trust Chairman, Bighelp For Education

Library construction completed & inaugurated Dt:28-Apr-2007

The construction of library was completed and inaugurated on 28-Apr-2007 by local MLC Mr.Gade Srinivasula Naidu. Chodavaram civil judge Mr.Apparao, MRO Mr.P.Krishnamurthy, Bighelp committee members, volunteers, parents and school staff had participated in the inaugural event.

Project approval Dt:03-Mar-2007

The constuction of library at ZP High School, Lakshmipuram village in Vizag (Visakhapatnam) district has been approved by Bighelp executive committee on 03-Mar-07. The library construction was funded through "Ghosh/Chasin Fund" and the construction started with immediate effect.

Preliminary report from project director on 28-Feb-2007 Dt:28-Feb-2007

Villagers and parents have come forward to support Bighelp in constructing the proposed library at Z.P.High School. They solicited donations of materials and workmanship for the construction of library.
The purpose of construction of the Library is to encourage reading habit in school children, to teach computer and to make the children acquire knowledge through reading books by using leisure time properly. One of our school teachers is held responsibility to maintain Library. We will collect some books from local donors. Government has already provided some books for our school. We may provide some more books from our Bighelp organization.

- V.V.Seshagirirao, Project Director, Laxmipuram

Project Survey information Dt:25-Feb-2007

Bighelp AED(Admin) has contacted Chodavaram Project Director on 25/2/07 and ascertained the following information.

- Construction of proposed library room is in the compound of Zilla Parishad High School, Lakshmipuram.
- After inauguration, it will be utilized for the benefit of students as library and Computer training room.
- Maintenance of the room will be entrusted to one the staff member preferably a teacher.
- Library will be kept open on all working hours.
- Bigelp project committee and the school staff are responsible for the construction of the library under the supervision of school head master.

-- Executive committee, Bighelp, Hyderabad

Message from donor Dt:24-Mar-2006

It is our great pleasure to be able to make this contribution (along with those of our wedding guests and employer matching contribution), and we will let our wedding guests know today that you are accepting donations to a "Ghosh/Chasin Fund" at Bighelp. Our expectation is that much of this money will be used to sponsor schools and we look forward to you being in touch with us with details of those schools.

We look forward to being in touch on how these funds will be spent, and being in contact with the recipients to the extent possible. Please do good things with the money - you have an incredibly important mission. And do not hesitate to be in touch with any questions.

- Gargee Ghosh and Andy Chasin, Seattle, WA

Project Commitee Members
Name Designation Email Phone Number
Satya Narayana Gudimetla Project Director 7981399973   
Jagannadha Rao Devarakonda Project Committee Chairman    
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Donors sponsored this project
Donor Name Country Percentage
Ghosh/Chasin Fund USA 100%
Project Start DateProject Current Status