Project Details

Sponsor A Child - R.P. Colony, Year 2017 - 18

Ricksha Pullers Colony, Medchal District, Telangana
Located at Zilla Parishad High School, Riksha Pullers Colony, Medchal district, Telangana, India. All 10 children sponsored in this project under Sponsor-A-Child program are orphans and semi-orphan. All of these children are at the brink of discontinuing their studies due to their deprived condition before Bighelp sponsor their education. The full details of each sponsoring child are provided below.

This is the first project in the district of Medchal and is the 42 active project for Bighelp in the both states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana under Sponsor-A-Child program. This project helps the orphans and underprivileged children to continue their studies with the support of their sponsoring donors. In addition to getting financial assistance to pay the school fees, buy books, clothes, shoes, educational material and private tuition, in this program children are benefited from more individual attention by our project directors and project committee (group of Bighelp volunteers) that has been established in this village. These students will continue to get the sponsorship from Bighelp until they complete their graduation as long as they continue to perform well and meet the eligibility criteria.

There are many children in and around of R.P. Colony who have no option but abandon their schooling and go to work to support their family. The situation is even worse if the child does not have parents and earn their bread themselves. For all children sponsored under this project, it was almost everyday struggle for their existence and continuing their education was distant dream. Bighelp was able to form a project committee with the support of school headmaster, teachers, and villagers to help these underprivileged children and hope to give them a gift of bright future with the help of the sponsoring donors.

Following is the List of Children Sponsored in this Project :
ID Name Village District
C2121 Abdul Sattar Mahammad Dheenabandu Colony Medchal
C2119 Durga Bhavani Talari Rajeev Gruhakalpa Medchal
C2120 Esther Rani Pallaparthi Dheenabandu Colony Medchal
C2114 Jyothi Bala Gaddi Venkateshwara Nagar Medchal
C2116 Komali Pentaboina Ramakrishna Nagar Medchal
C2118 Mounika Bommederi Venkateshwara Nagar Medchal
C2113 Sirivalli Pagidigommula Venkateshwara Nagar Medchal
C2117 Snigdha Nandiraju Tulasinagar Medchal
C2115 Supriya Guguloth Jagadgirinagar Medchal
C2122 Venkat Rohith Rampalli Hanuman Nagar Medchal
Project Geographic Information
Rickshaw Pullers Colony is in Quthbullapur City in Telangana State, India. 12 KM from Secunderabad railway station.

School Information
Zilla Parishad High School is situated in R.P. Colony and it was established in 1989. It is a co education school with present strength of 830 students and 22 teachers.

Project Inaugural Information
Inaugural function of Bighelp project at Ricksha Pullers Colony has been conducted in the school premises with following personnel. 10 students have been selected studying between 5th and 9th grades.

Mrs. Sarojini Maturi Managing Trustee Bighelp
Mr. M. Vishwapathi Project Director
Mr. A. Rameshwar Rao Headmaster / PCC
Mrs. Asha Jyothi In charge Headmistress
Mrs. Sirisha Palanki P.H.P. Developer Bighelp
Mr. Vishnu Vardhan Reddy Computer Operator Bighelp
Guardians of selected students
Teachers and staff of the school
Students and Journalists

Managing Trustee has explained the motto behind establishing Bighelp organization, its vision and values on which it is based and working.

H.M. and other dignitaries have spoken on the education necessity and advised the students to utilize this rare opportunity to come up in education. The selected students are prized with books and stationary by dignitaries on the dais.

Project Survey Information
This project has been surveyed by Mr. Srinivasa Rao Asst. Exe. Director in the month of June 2017. He made personal visit to this school talked to the children, parents and school staff to assess the need. The executive body headed by the Bighelp President Mr. Chand Pasha has reviewed the need for the support and approved the project.

Project Commitee Members
Name Designation Email Phone Number
Kishan Vislavath Project Commitee Chairman    9441118823
Vishwapathi Madhupathi Project Director    9866246188
Muralidhar Sannidi Additional Project Director 9908193042   
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Project Start DateProject Current Status