Pongal-Republic Day 2015

Event Date Saturday, January 10th, 2015
Event Time Registration
Math Bee contest 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM 10:30 AM
Spelling Bee contest 12:30 PM to 2:30 PM 12:00 PM
Rangoli Entry Submission 12:30 PM to 2:30 PM 12:00 PM
Coloring contest 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM 1:00 PM
Stage Performances 3:00 PM to 7:30 PM 1:00 PM
Dinner Starts at 7:30 PM  
Venue Holliston High School, 370 Hollis Street, Holliston, MA 01746
Admission There is NO admission fee for this event. Admission is strictly by RSVP only.

Event RSVP, Contest Registrations and Volunteer Registration
There will be Math Bee, Spelling Bee, Rangoli, Coloring Contests and fun-filled Cultural Programs and Complimentary Dinner on the day of event. Art contest will be organized prior to the event.

Submit your RSVP, Register for contests.

The above link lets you submit your RSVP and register for all contests including Spelling Bee, Math Bee, Coloring and Rangoli. It will also give you an option to sign up as a volunteer, choose food item to bring or sign up your child for YouthHelp team.

The due date to register for Math, Spelling, Coloring and Rangoli Contest is 02-Jan-2015. However we recommend you to register as soon as possible.

Event Sponsors

Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Fun & Entertainment
Cultural programs with Indian traditional dances, film songs, music and much more.

If you are interested to perform on stage, please Submit the Details of your Performance here. The due date to submit your request/s is 23-Nov-2014.
Snacks & Dinner
Pizza, snacks, drinks, tea and coffee will be provided for nominal price.
Complimentary dinner prepared by volunteers will be served to all guests.


Looking for Art Contest? This year's Art contest was organized on Dec 6th, 7th and 13th at three different locations. Please visit Art Contest page for more info