Youth Internship - Summer 2015

Workshop Topics

Here is the suggested list of topics for the workshop. Intern will be asked to choose 2 topics from this list for doing their workshop. However the intern may suggest any other topics and get the approval from Bighelp for doing their workshop in their suggested topics.

Art & crafts Workshop

  • Organize craft activities
  • Face Paintings
  • Origami
  • Teaching musical instruments
  • Acting workshops- Include and involve the kids in plays. Help explore their imaginations
  • Choreography and dance for a particular song or music.
  • Weaving baskets
  • Sewing

Go Green / Environment Protection

  • Emphasis on environment. Presentation on Pollution , Global warming, Plastics how bad they are, educate about environment and public health issues
  • Planting trees for Green environment in the school
  • Recycling

Health & nutrition

  • Cooking organic advantages & presentation
  • Promote healthy lifestyles through exercise.
  • Nutrition. Educate on how to read through the labels and determine how it’s useful to the body
  • Vitamins and how they help the body
  • Food pyramid

Personal Hygiene & Preventive care

  • Hygiene and health
  • Things and daily activities that promote that
  • Speak about any diseases/disorders e.g. Diabetes.
  • Prevention and Cure
  • Foods

Science experiments

  • Robotics and demonstration. Explore into Science 101 for more experiments. Can use Science Kits
  • Solar power experiments
  • Demonstrate the activity and its advantages, causes, side effects etc.

Writing orSpeaking workshop

  • Write stories based on a given topic and share the readings loud and clear.
  • Present an inspirational story
  • Brainstorming on writing draft. How to write plays
  • Poems
  • Demonstrate writing projects for the school or newsletter
  • Writing contest
  • Speaking contest

Sports workshop

  • Teach a game. Example: Soccer, Rugby, Football, Basketball,Baseball, Chess etc. Teach rules, promote practices and organize games.
  • Learn local games from local students. Example: Kabadi, Cricket etc.
  • Fitness exercise programs .Share experiences.