Pongal and Republic Day Celebrations 2025
Bighelp Spelling Bee Contest - Word List - Level 4
Welcome to Bighelp Spelling Bee word list. Click on any word in this list to learn each word. We have provided reference links for each word from Wikipedia.org and Disctionary.com to assist the children in exploring each word in addition to spelling the word.
- abdicate
- aberration
- ablution
- abnormal
- acceptance
- access
- acclimate
- accommodate
- accompany
- acquisitive
- acronym
- adamant
- adhere
- adhesive
- adjacent
- adjourn
- administer
- admirer
- admitted
- adulation
- adversity
- advocate
- aeronautics
- aerosol
- aesthetic
- affliction
- affluent
- agriculture
- airborne
- alcove
- algorithm
- alienate
- alleviate
- altruistic
- ambidextrous
- ambient
- ambiguous
- ambivalent
- amorphous
- analogous
- ancient
- anneal
- anniversary
- annual
- anonymous
- antiseptic
- aorta
- apologize
- apostrophe
- appreciate
- apprentice
- aquanaut
- aqueduct
- aquifer
- arbitrary
- archaic
- archeology
- archipelago
- architecture
- arduous
- artery
- article
- articulate
- assignment
- assistant
- associate
- asterisk
- atheistic
- atmospheric
- atrocious
- attribute
- audience
- auditorium
- autograph
- avionics
- awkward
- ballad
- ballistics
- banister
- baritone
- barnacle
- barnstorm
- barrister
- barrow
- beckon
- beeline
- benefactor
- benevolent
- bequeath
- besiege
- biodegradable
- blizzard
- blockade
- bonafide
- bracelet
- brigade
- brilliant
- brotherly
- browbeat
- buffalo
- bulbous
- bulletin
- bullion
- buoyancy
- bureaucracy
- bushwhack
- butchery
- cacophony
- cadence
- cafeteria
- caliber
- camouflage
- campaign
- candidate
- capillary
- capitalist
- capsule
- cardiologist
- carnage
- carrier
- casualty
- catalyst
- catastrophe
- category
- cathedral
- cemetery
- centennial
- centralization
- century
- ceremony
- certificate
- chamber
- chandelier
- charisma
- charitable
- chronology
- circumference
- climatologist
- clumsily
- coalition
- cohesion
- collaborate
- collateral
- colleague
- collectively
- collegiate
- collision
- colonel
- colossal
- column
- commemorate
- commercial
- commingle
- commission
- committing
- companion
- comparison
- competition
- compliant
- compound
- comprehend
- conceive
- concession
- concise
- congealed
- congregation
- conscience
- consequence
- constellation
- constitution
- continent
- contingency
- continuation
- convention
- convulsion
- correspond
- cougar
- coward
- credentials
- criticize
- culmination
- cultural
- curdle
- curling
- daffodil
- daunting
- deception
- deciduous
- decipher
- decorous
- defiant
- deglaze
- degradation
- delegate
- deliberate
- delight
- delinquent
- delusion
- demographic
- demonstrate
- demystify
- denture
- deposition
- depreciate
- derivative
- despotic
- detachment
- deteriorate
- devastation
- developing
- devout
- dexterity
- diabetes
- diagram
- diamagnetic
- differentiate
- diffusion
- digestion
- dilapidated
- diorama
- director
- discourage
- disentangle
- disheveled
- dissent
- distinguish
- distress
- division
- docile
- dreary
- dribble
- ductility
- dynamic
- dyslexia
- ecology
- economy
- efficiency
- effluent
- egotism
- elaborate
- elasticity
- electoral
- electricity
- elegant
- elusive
- embarrass
- emperor
- encounter
- endangered
- endeavor
- engrossed
- enigma
- enthusiasm
- entrepreneur
- enzyme
- epilogue
- epitome
- equilateral
- equine
- equinox
- equipment
- equivalent
- erosion
- eruption
- esophagus
- ethnicity
- evaporate
- exaggerate
- excellent
- exchange
- exclamation
- excretory
- excruciating
- exhausting
- exigency
- exorbitant
- expatriate
- expedition
- expelling
- experience
- experiment
- exponent
- exterminate
- extraneous
- extravagant
- exultation
- factorization
- failure
- faithful
- fallible
- famine
- famous
- fandangle
- farce
- fascinating
- fashion
- fastidious
- fatality
- fatigue
- feeble
- feign
- fervor
- festoon
- fiercest
- filament
- flamboyant
- flamingo
- flashback
- fleece
- fluoride
- fluster
- formidable
- formula
- forthcoming
- fortnight
- fortress
- fracture
- freckle
- freight
- frenzied
- fringe
- fritter
- frontier
- frustration
- fulminate
- fungible
- fusion
- futurity
- gallant
- galvanize
- garrulous
- gastronomy
- gaunt
- generation
- genetic
- genuine
- geometry
- geopolitical
- geranium
- germinate
- gesture
- glacier
- glitch
- gloat
- glutinous
- gorgeous
- gourmet
- grabble
- graduate
- grammar
- grandeur
- granule
- grenade
- grievance
- grotesque
- grueling
- guilder
- gullible
- habitual
- hailstorm
- hallucination
- hamburger
- haphazard
- harassed
- harmonica
- harrowing
- heather
- heinous
- helicopter
- hemisphere
- hemorrhage
- hereditary
- hierarchy
- hilarious
- hindrance
- hippopotamus
- homage
- homestead
- homogenize
- honorable
- hooligan
- horrendous
- humanely
- humiliation
- hundredth
- hurricane
- hydroxide
- hyperbole
- hypocrisy
- hypothesis
- icebound
- idealistic
- idiom
- idiosyncrasy
- idyllic
- ignorant
- iguana
- illustrious
- imbibe
- immemorial
- immunity
- impartial
- impatiently
- implicit
- impromptu
- inadequate
- inaugural
- incapable
- inception
- incredulous
- indentured
- indigenous
- indite
- inferior
- influential
- infuriating
- inlaid
- innate
- innocuous
- inquiry
- insurgent
- intentional
- intercession
- interlinear
- intermission
- interrogate
- interrupt
- intrinsic
- introduce
- introspective
- inundation
- invasion
- invention
- investigation
- irresolute
- irritant
- jaundice
- jeopardize
- jostle
- jubilant
- juggernaut
- juncture
- jurisdiction
- juvenile
- kerosene
- ketchup
- kettle
- kidney
- kinescope
- kinetic
- kitchen
- knead
- knowledge
- knuckling
- lacerate
- laconic
- landscape
- languish
- latitude
- lattice
- leash
- legalize
- legitimate
- leisure
- liability
- liberation
- lightning
- limerick
- lineage
- lineaments
- linguistics
- liquidity
- literacy
- location
- longevity
- lucrative
- luminary
- lustrous
- magazine
- magistrate
- magnanimous
- magnetic
- magnificient
- maintenance
- malady
- malevolent
- malleable
- malnourished
- manganese
- mansion
- marinate
- marsupial
- massacre
- massage
- materialize
- matinee
- matriculate
- matrilineal
- mattress
- meager
- medallion
- mediate
- melancholy
- membrane
- mercurial
- mesmerize
- metaphor
- meteor
- meticulous
- microphone
- minaret
- minesweeping
- minuscule
- miracle
- miscellaneous
- mischief
- miscreant
- mnemonic
- modern
- modestly
- modicum
- molecule
- momentary
- momentous
- morose
- mortify
- mosaic
- movement
- muddle
- mulch
- multitude
- museum
- mutual
- myrtle
- mysterious
- mythology
- narrative
- naturalism
- nauseous
- nautical
- navigation
- necessity
- necrologist
- needle
- nefarious
- negligence
- negotiate
- nemesis
- neutralize
- newspeak
- nitrogen
- nocturnal
- nodule
- nomenclature
- nominee
- nonchalant
- nostalgia
- notarize
- notation
- notorious
- novelist
- nucleus
- nuisance
- oasis
- obedient
- objective
- oblate
- oblige
- oblique
- obnoxious
- obscure
- observe
- obsolete
- obstacle
- obstinate
- octave
- odyssey
- offensive
- ominous
- omniscient
- omnivorous
- onslaught
- opaque
- operation
- oppressive
- optimism
- orchard
- orchestra
- ordinary
- ornament
- orthodontist
- orthodox
- oscillate
- osmosis
- ostentatious
- outrageous
- ovation
- oxymoron
- package
- palatial
- palette
- palpitate
- pancreas
- paradox
- parentage
- parmesan
- particle
- passionate
- passive
- patriotism
- patronage
- pavilion
- pedestrian
- pentagon
- penurious
- percussion
- perennial
- peripheral
- periscope
- permissible
- persecution
- perseverance
- perspire
- peruse
- pestilence
- pharmacy
- philatelist
- physique
- pierced
- plagiarize
- plasma
- plausible
- plebiscite
- plentiful
- plinth
- pneumatic
- polarimetric
- politician
- pollution
- populace
- postdoctoral
- posterity
- pragmatic
- preach
- precipitate
- precocious
- predicate
- preference
- prejudice
- prelude
- preposition
- prescription
- presumptuous
- primogeniture
- pristine
- profane
- prominent
- pronounce
- prospectus
- psychosomatic
- pudding
- punching
- punctual
- quadrangle
- quadrilateral
- quadruple
- quaint
- qualified
- quandary
- quantitative
- quarantine
- queasy
- quell
- quench
- queue
- quibble
- quiddity
- quintessence
- quirk
- quiver
- quizzical
- quotation
- quotient
- racial
- ragwort
- ramification
- rampage
- reagent
- realize
- reappraisal
- receptor
- recession
- reciprocate
- reduction
- redundancy
- reestablish
- referendum
- referred
- reflection
- refraction
- regimen
- regretting
- rehearse
- reign
- rejuvenate
- release
- remainder
- remunerate
- renaissance
- renegade
- renounce
- repatriate
- replacements
- replete
- reprisal
- repudiate
- repulse
- research
- reservist
- resilience
- respiratory
- resplendent
- restaurant
- resuscitate
- retreat
- retrospective
- revamp
- revisionist
- revolution
- rhetoric
- rhombus
- rhythm
- ridiculous
- riffraff
- righteous
- riptide
- ritual
- roomette
- route
- routine
- rueful
- ruination
- sacrificial
- safari
- salamander
- salinity
- salvation
- sanction
- sanctum
- sapid
- satellite
- scald
- scathing
- scenario
- scent
- scholar
- scientific
- scoff
- scorn
- scrape
- scrimshaw
- scrounge
- scrutiny
- sculptor
- seaculture
- secretary
- semantics
- semblance
- seminar
- serial
- sermon
- serotonin
- shampoo
- shingles
- shoulder
- showstopper
- shrine
- shuttle
- siesta
- silhouette
- skeleton
- sketch
- skewer
- skillet
- skittish
- slapstick
- sleight
- sleuth
- sluggard
- smattering
- smorgasbord
- snicker
- solace
- soldier
- solicitude
- solvent
- somber
- sophisticated
- soprano
- spartan
- spatial
- specialize
- spectacle
- speculation
- speedball
- spherical
- sphinx
- splendid
- spontaneity
- spoondrift
- squabble
- squirm
- stadium
- stalagmite
- stalemate
- starvation
- statesmanship
- statistics
- stealth
- steroid
- stimuli
- stomach
- straddle
- strategy
- stringent
- studious
- stultify
- subliminal
- submarine
- submerge
- subscribe
- subservient
- substitute
- subversion
- succinct
- succumb
- superlative
- supposition
- surmise
- surrendered
- surrogate
- surveillance
- swallow
- syllogism
- symbiosis
- symbolize
- symposium
- synchronize
- syndicate
- syndrome
- synonymous
- syntax
- synthesis
- taciturn
- tactical
- tangential
- tantalize
- tasteless
- technique
- teleological
- telepathic
- television
- temperament
- temperature
- temporary
- tenacious
- tennis
- tenuous
- terminology
- terrain
- territory
- tether
- texture
- theater
- thematic
- theology
- thermal
- thought
- threaten
- throttle
- thunderstorm
- thyroid
- tiepin
- tolerance
- topography
- tornado
- torpedo
- torrential
- touchline
- trackbarrow
- tragedy
- trajectory
- tranquility
- transcend
- transcribe
- transfix
- transient
- transitory
- translucent
- transnational
- treachery
- treaty
- tremble
- tremendous
- tributary
- trident
- trilogy
- trinket
- trophy
- tropical
- troposphere
- trounce
- trouser
- trout
- trumpet
- truncated
- typhoon
- tyrant
- ulterior
- umbrage
- umpire
- unabashed
- unalienable
- unambiguous
- unanimous
- unconscious
- uncouth
- undaunted
- undermine
- unfettered
- unheralded
- universal
- unkempt
- unobtrusive
- unremitting
- usurp
- vagrant
- valedictory
- vanguard
- vaporize
- variable
- variegated
- various
- vascular
- vehement
- vehicle
- velocity
- ventilate
- ventricle
- verbalize
- veritable
- vessel
- veterans
- viaduct
- vicariously
- victory
- videography
- vindictive
- violence
- vitriolic
- vivacious
- vocation
- vogue
- volatile
- volumetric
- volunteer
- voyage
- waffle
- wanderlust
- wanton
- warble
- warranty
- wealthy
- weapon
- weathering
- weird
- whammy
- wherewithal
- whimsy
- whisk
- whisper
- wicked
- winnable
- wistful
- withdrawal
- witticism
- worrisome
- wrench
- wrinkle
- yacht
- yearling
- yearning
- yonder
- youth
- zealot
- zealous
- zenith
- zilch
- zonal
- zoology