Pongal and Republic Day Celebrations 2025
Bighelp Spelling Bee Contest - Word List - Level 3
Welcome to Bighelp Spelling Bee word list. Click on any word in this list to learn each word. We have provided reference links for each word from Wikipedia.org and Disctionary.com to assist the children in exploring each word in addition to spelling the word.
- abacus
- abate
- abhor
- abject
- absolute
- absolve
- absorbent
- absurdity
- accede
- acceptance
- access
- acclaim
- accompany
- accountable
- accurate
- achieve
- acoustic
- adhere
- adjoint
- adjourn
- admiral
- admire
- admission
- advantage
- adventure
- adversary
- advocate
- aerobics
- affection
- agenda
- aggravate
- agitation
- agriculture
- ailment
- alcohol
- algebra
- algorithm
- alkaline
- allegation
- alleviate
- alligator
- allowance
- allure
- alternate
- ambition
- ambivalent
- ambulance
- amenity
- amphibian
- amulet
- amuse
- analyze
- ancestor
- ancient
- anecdote
- anniversary
- announce
- antithesis
- anxiety
- apology
- appearance
- appetite
- application
- approximate
- aquatic
- architecture
- argument
- arrogant
- artificial
- ascending
- assistance
- astronaut
- attention
- attitude
- attribute
- audition
- authentic
- autonomy
- available
- avenue
- bachelor
- bacteria
- ballad
- ballerina
- banquet
- barbaric
- barbecue
- barber
- bargain
- barometer
- barracks
- barren
- barrow
- battery
- because
- beckon
- behavior
- belay
- believe
- belittle
- beneficial
- benevolent
- berserk
- besiege
- bestow
- bigot
- bilateral
- billowy
- biography
- biopsy
- birthday
- bizarre
- blanch
- blatant
- bleach
- blemish
- blossom
- blunders
- bombard
- botanical
- bounce
- boundary
- bountiful
- brackish
- brandish
- bravely
- brawl
- breathable
- bribery
- bridegroom
- brigade
- brightness
- broccoli
- bronze
- building
- bunker
- butterscotch
- cacti
- cafeteria
- calculate
- camouflage
- campaign
- candidate
- cannon
- capable
- capillary
- capitalism
- carbide
- carnival
- carnivore
- carriage
- cartridge
- cascade
- castle
- catalyst
- category
- caught
- cautious
- caveat
- cavities
- cease
- celebrate
- celestial
- centimeter
- century
- ceremony
- certainty
- character
- charitable
- cheapskate
- chewable
- chicken
- children
- chocolate
- chromium
- chronology
- chuckle
- churn
- cinema
- cinnamon
- circuit
- circular
- circumference
- circumstance
- civilization
- clamor
- classify
- cleanser
- climate
- collards
- colleague
- comfortable
- communicate
- compact
- comparable
- compassion
- compatible
- complaint
- complete
- complex
- compose
- composite
- comprehend
- compression
- concept
- concession
- conclusion
- condensation
- condiment
- condor
- confident
- confusion
- conjunction
- constitution
- construction
- context
- continuous
- convenient
- conversation
- conversion
- coordinate
- correlate
- correspondence
- corruption
- cosmetic
- council
- counter
- country
- coupon
- courageous
- craftsmanship
- critical
- crucial
- crumble
- crusade
- cuboid
- curator
- curiosity
- custom
- cylinder
- dandelion
- dangerous
- dazzling
- dealer
- deceive
- decibel
- decimal
- decision
- declare
- decline
- decompose
- decoration
- dedicate
- defame
- defeat
- deficiency
- degradation
- dejected
- delicacy
- delusion
- dementia
- demerit
- demonstrate
- denim
- denounce
- density
- department
- departure
- depict
- deplete
- deposit
- depressed
- descent
- describe
- desolate
- destination
- determine
- devotion
- dexterity
- dictionary
- difference
- diffusion
- digestion
- dimension
- direction
- disastrous
- discovery
- discreet
- disguise
- disperse
- display
- disposable
- disruption
- distance
- distinctive
- distressed
- divide
- domestic
- dramatic
- dreadful
- ductile
- duplicate
- duvet
- dwindle
- earnestly
- ecology
- edible
- edict
- education
- efficiency
- effortless
- elbow
- election
- elegant
- element
- elevator
- eligible
- elite
- embarrass
- emporium
- enable
- endurance
- energetic
- enormous
- enough
- enrolled
- environment
- envision
- equation
- equator
- equilateral
- erect
- essential
- establish
- estimate
- eternity
- evaluate
- eventful
- evidence
- exaggerate
- example
- excellent
- exceptional
- executive
- exhibit
- expensive
- experience
- experiment
- explore
- explosion
- exquisite
- extinct
- extraordinary
- extravagant
- fabulous
- faculty
- familiar
- famished
- fanciful
- fantasy
- fascinate
- fashion
- fatigue
- faucet
- feasible
- feature
- federal
- feeble
- fickle
- fiction
- fierce
- figure
- flexible
- flooding
- flounder
- flourish
- foliage
- forecast
- foreigner
- forensic
- foreword
- forfeit
- forgetful
- forlorn
- fortress
- foundation
- fountain
- fraction
- fracture
- fragile
- fragment
- fragrance
- franchise
- frantic
- frequency
- frighten
- fritter
- fruitful
- fugitive
- fumble
- future
- galvanize
- gambol
- gangster
- garish
- garrulous
- gasket
- gaunt
- general
- generate
- generic
- genuine
- geometry
- germinate
- gesture
- geyser
- ghastly
- gigantic
- gilded
- glimmer
- globular
- gloomy
- glorious
- gorgeous
- gourmet
- government
- gracious
- graduation
- grandmother
- graphite
- gratitude
- gravity
- grievance
- grocery
- grovel
- gruesome
- grumble
- guarantee
- guardian
- guerrilla
- guess
- gullible
- habitat
- habitual
- hailstones
- hallucination
- hangar
- hapless
- harmony
- harrumph
- hasten
- havoc
- heaven
- height
- heirloom
- heritage
- hexagon
- hiphop
- histogram
- historical
- hitherto
- homonym
- honorable
- hooligan
- hopeful
- horizon
- horticulture
- hospitality
- humorist
- hurricane
- hydroponic
- hygiene
- hyperbole
- hyphen
- hypocrisy
- hysterical
- illegible
- illiterate
- illogical
- illuminate
- imagination
- imbibe
- immature
- immediate
- immigrant
- immobilize
- impartial
- impatient
- impression
- incentive
- incident
- independence
- indeterminate
- indispensable
- inevitable
- infamous
- infection
- inflation
- influence
- inherit
- initiative
- innate
- inoperative
- insincerity
- inspection
- inspire
- instruct
- intention
- interest
- internal
- intrinsic
- intrusive
- invaluable
- invention
- inverse
- irregular
- irreversible
- irritate
- isosceles
- jargon
- jaunty
- javelin
- jeopardize
- jocular
- jostle
- journey
- jovial
- jubilant
- judicial
- juncture
- jurisdiction
- justification
- juvenile
- kennel
- kerchief
- kerosene
- keyboard
- kilometer
- kindle
- kinetic
- kinsman
- kitchen
- knapsack
- knead
- knight
- knowledge
- knuckle
- ladder
- landscape
- language
- latitude
- leash
- lecture
- leeway
- legacy
- legislative
- leisure
- lethargy
- leverage
- levitate
- liberal
- license
- limited
- liquid
- listen
- literacy
- lithium
- location
- loiter
- longitude
- looking
- lounge
- lucrative
- luminous
- luxurious
- machine
- magazine
- magician
- magnetic
- magnitude
- maintenance
- majestic
- majority
- malevolent
- malignant
- manicure
- manifestation
- manipulate
- manuscript
- marvelous
- masonry
- material
- mathematics
- mauve
- meager
- measure
- mediate
- meditate
- melanoma
- menial
- mercenary
- merchant
- mercurial
- meridian
- metaphor
- meticulous
- mimicry
- miniature
- minute
- mischievous
- misfortune
- mixture
- mollify
- molten
- monetary
- monster
- mountain
- mucus
- multiplication
- mythology
- naive
- narrative
- national
- nativity
- natural
- nautical
- navigate
- nebula
- necessity
- negative
- negligence
- negotiate
- neighbor
- neither
- nervous
- neurology
- neutral
- newspaper
- nocturnal
- noisome
- nominal
- nonnative
- nostalgia
- notation
- noticeable
- notorious
- nourishment
- novelist
- nuances
- nucleus
- numerator
- numerous
- nursery
- nurture
- nutrient
- oasis
- obedient
- objective
- oblate
- obscure
- observation
- obvious
- occasion
- occupation
- octagonal
- odium
- offensive
- official
- operation
- opinion
- opportunity
- opposition
- optimistic
- ordinary
- ornament
- orphan
- orthodox
- osmosis
- outrageous
- ovation
- overwhelming
- painter
- palindrome
- pandemic
- parachute
- paragraph
- parallel
- parameter
- parchment
- parliament
- partial
- participant
- particle
- passion
- pasture
- pathology
- patriot
- pattern
- paunch
- pauper
- peculiar
- penguin
- peninsula
- penury
- peony
- perimeter
- periscope
- permafrost
- permeate
- perspective
- persuade
- pertinent
- pesticide
- petition
- philanthropy
- philosopher
- phonics
- photogenic
- photograph
- pilgrimage
- pioneer
- pitch
- placate
- placement
- pleasure
- plummet
- poison
- pompous
- population
- porridge
- portrait
- position
- possess
- possibility
- potential
- prattle
- precarious
- predator
- prefix
- presentation
- preserve
- prevalent
- primitive
- principle
- problem
- prodigy
- proficient
- propaganda
- property
- proportion
- protection
- proudly
- proverb
- provocate
- pyramid
- quadrant
- quadrilateral
- quaint
- qualitative
- quantity
- quartz
- quench
- query
- quiver
- quotation
- quotient
- radical
- ragwort
- rampant
- raspy
- rational
- reassembled
- rebuke
- recently
- reciprocal
- reclining
- recognize
- reconcile
- recreation
- rectangle
- reflection
- refurbish
- regional
- registered
- relapse
- relationship
- relaxation
- released
- relevant
- reliable
- religion
- remorse
- renounce
- repent
- repetition
- reproduce
- require
- resemble
- reservoir
- resilient
- resonate
- resource
- retort
- revolution
- ritual
- rivalry
- robust
- rubric
- rumour
- rustling
- ruthless
- sacrifice
- saddle
- saliva
- sarcasm
- satellite
- satire
- saturate
- scalding
- scalene
- scarce
- scenery
- schedule
- scornful
- scream
- sculpture
- search
- season
- sedentary
- segment
- seizure
- sensation
- sensitive
- sentence
- sequence
- serene
- service
- sesame
- severity
- shepherd
- shortest
- shrink
- signature
- sincere
- slavery
- smartest
- snuggle
- society
- solace
- solidify
- solution
- somewhere
- sorority
- spaghetti
- spatial
- special
- specific
- speculate
- sphere
- sponsor
- spread
- staircase
- starch
- stench
- sterile
- stigma
- straight
- strategy
- strength
- stretch
- stride
- structure
- stubborn
- student
- subjective
- sublime
- submarine
- substantial
- subtraction
- suburban
- suffix
- summon
- supplement
- surgeon
- surprise
- surrogate
- survive
- swagger
- syllable
- symbol
- sympathy
- systematic
- tabloid
- taciturn
- tangible
- tartan
- tedious
- teenager
- telepathy
- telescope
- temperature
- temporary
- tenure
- terminology
- terrace
- terrarium
- theology
- theory
- thirst
- thought
- thrilling
- through
- thyme
- tilapia
- together
- tolerant
- tradition
- traitor
- trajectory
- transect
- transitory
- translation
- transparent
- transport
- traumatic
- treasure
- triangle
- tribute
- triumph
- tropical
- ultimatum
- unanimous
- uncanny
- undulate
- universe
- university
- uprooted
- usury
- vacation
- validity
- valuable
- vaporize
- variable
- vault
- vehicular
- velocity
- ventilate
- veteran
- vibrant
- victorious
- vigorous
- villain
- volcano
- volunteer
- voucher
- waddle
- waft
- waiver
- wallop
- wallow
- wanted
- wardrobe
- warranty
- watcher
- wattage
- weapon
- weary
- weekly
- welfare
- whether
- whimper
- whine
- whirlpool
- whistle
- wicket
- widespread
- wigwam
- winnow
- wisdom
- wistful
- withered
- wizardry
- wondrous
- workshop
- worrisome
- wraith
- wreckage
- wrench
- wretched
- wring
- wrinkle
- yacht
- yearn
- yeast
- yield
- yonder
- youthful
- zealous
- zodiac
- zonal