Pongal and Republic Day Celebrations 2025
Bighelp Spelling Bee Contest - Word List - Level 2
Welcome to Bighelp Spelling Bee word list. Click on any word in this list to learn each word. We have provided reference links for each word from Wikipedia.org and Disctionary.com to assist the children in exploring each word in addition to spelling the word.
- absent
- absolute
- absorb
- abstract
- abundant
- accept
- account
- accurate
- acrobat
- actress
- actual
- acute
- adapt
- addict
- address
- adjacent
- adjective
- admiration
- adore
- advantage
- adverb
- advice
- advise
- advocate
- aerospace
- afford
- afraid
- agree
- ahead
- airplane
- alarm
- allow
- alternate
- altitude
- ambition
- amicable
- amusement
- ancestor
- ancient
- angle
- animate
- annoy
- annual
- another
- answer
- antibiotic
- antidote
- antiseptic
- anxiety
- anything
- apartment
- apology
- appeal
- application
- approach
- arcade
- arctic
- aromatic
- arrange
- array
- arrive
- artery
- article
- artifact
- artisan
- ascend
- ashame
- assistant
- assume
- astonish
- astrology
- astronomy
- attention
- attract
- auction
- audible
- audition
- autograph
- autumn
- available
- avenue
- average
- aware
- awkward
- balance
- ballerina
- banjo
- banner
- barrel
- barter
- baseball
- battery
- beauty
- beckon
- beetle
- beginning
- behavior
- beige
- believe
- between
- bewilder
- bicycle
- billion
- binocular
- biography
- biology
- bladder
- blanket
- blissful
- blizzard
- blossom
- bookcase
- bottom
- boundary
- bountiful
- branch
- breathe
- breeze
- bridge
- bright
- brilliant
- broad
- brother
- bruise
- bucket
- building
- burglar
- business
- cactus
- calcium
- calculate
- calendar
- caliber
- calorie
- camera
- capable
- capacity
- capital
- captain
- captivate
- cascade
- castle
- casual
- cattle
- cellar
- cemetery
- central
- ceremony
- certain
- certificate
- chamber
- chaotic
- chapter
- charge
- charming
- charter
- chief
- children
- choice
- choir
- chronic
- clarify
- clarinet
- clarity
- classify
- classroom
- clerk
- clothes
- cluster
- coast
- collar
- collective
- collide
- colonel
- colorful
- column
- combine
- comfort
- commit
- common
- companion
- compare
- compass
- compel
- complain
- complete
- compliment
- component
- composite
- compound
- concern
- conclude
- condition
- conflict
- confusion
- connect
- conquer
- conserve
- consistent
- content
- context
- continent
- continue
- contract
- contrast
- convert
- cookie
- cordial
- corridor
- couch
- courage
- coward
- coyote
- create
- credible
- criticize
- cultural
- curious
- currency
- current
- custom
- cycle
- cyclone
- cylinder
- dainty
- dairy
- dangerous
- dazzling
- decision
- decorate
- decorum
- definite
- deity
- delightful
- demand
- deposit
- derive
- descend
- describe
- desert
- design
- desire
- dessert
- destiny
- destroy
- determine
- develop
- diagram
- dictate
- different
- difficult
- diffuse
- digestive
- direction
- disadvantage
- disappear
- disappoint
- disapprove
- discard
- discovery
- disease
- disposable
- dissatisfied
- dissimilar
- distance
- divide
- division
- dough
- dreamy
- dungeon
- duplicate
- economy
- education
- effect
- effortless
- eighteen
- elastic
- election
- electricity
- element
- embassy
- emperor
- empire
- enchanting
- enclose
- encounter
- endurance
- energy
- engine
- enjoy
- enough
- enquire
- enticing
- entrance
- entrap
- environment
- equal
- equation
- erasable
- erosion
- establish
- estimate
- evaporate
- event
- evergreen
- evidence
- examine
- example
- excellent
- excite
- exclaim
- exercise
- expedition
- expel
- expensive
- experience
- experiment
- explain
- explore
- exponent
- external
- extinct
- factory
- falter
- familiar
- family
- famous
- fanciful
- fantastic
- faraway
- fascinate
- fasten
- feast
- feature
- february
- federal
- felicity
- fence
- fervent
- fetch
- fiend
- fierce
- finalize
- finance
- fiscal
- fissure
- fitness
- flavor
- flawless
- flooding
- flour
- flourish
- fluent
- foliage
- football
- forbid
- foreign
- forget
- formal
- formation
- fortress
- fortune
- forward
- fossil
- fountain
- fraction
- fracture
- frantic
- freeze
- freight
- frequent
- function
- further
- fusion
- future
- galaxy
- gallery
- general
- generate
- generic
- generous
- gentle
- genuine
- geography
- geology
- geometric
- gigantic
- giggle
- glimmer
- glisten
- glorious
- glucose
- gorgeous
- government
- graceful
- graduate
- graph
- graphite
- gratitude
- gravity
- groan
- grocery
- ground
- group
- growth
- guitar
- handle
- harbor
- harmony
- haunt
- headache
- headquarters
- heavy
- hectic
- hedges
- height
- heirloom
- heist
- helium
- helmet
- hesitate
- hexagon
- hippopotamus
- history
- hollow
- honor
- horrible
- horse
- hospital
- human
- humidity
- hundred
- hurricane
- hurry
- hydrogen
- hygiene
- identity
- ignorant
- illuminate
- illustrate
- imaginary
- immediate
- impatient
- important
- improve
- inaccurate
- include
- increase
- independent
- index
- indicate
- industry
- ineffective
- infant
- infer
- infinite
- information
- insecure
- inspire
- instant
- institute
- instrument
- insurance
- intelligence
- intensify
- interact
- interest
- interpret
- interrupt
- intestine
- intolerant
- introduce
- inverse
- investigate
- invisible
- irritate
- jealous
- jewelry
- jocular
- jocund
- journal
- journey
- jovial
- jubilant
- judge
- justice
- kidney
- kilogram
- kinetic
- kingdom
- kitchen
- knack
- knight
- knitting
- known
- latitude
- laughter
- launch
- laundry
- lawyer
- league
- leave
- ledge
- legacy
- lesson
- letter
- lettuce
- library
- limiting
- liquid
- listen
- locate
- logical
- longitude
- loudness
- luster
- luxury
- magazine
- magnetic
- magnify
- majestic
- majority
- malignant
- manipulate
- mantle
- manual
- marble
- margarine
- married
- marvelous
- meaning
- measurement
- medical
- melody
- membrane
- memory
- mentor
- merchant
- merciless
- mercury
- merge
- metallic
- meteor
- method
- microscope
- migration
- military
- million
- mingle
- minute
- mirage
- mirror
- mischief
- mission
- modern
- modify
- molecule
- money
- mother
- mountains
- movement
- multiplication
- mumbling
- murmur
- muscle
- museum
- mysteries
- narrator
- nationality
- native
- natural
- naughty
- navigation
- nebula
- necessary
- needle
- neither
- nephew
- nestle
- nibble
- nickel
- niece
- nitrogen
- noble
- noise
- nomad
- nonsense
- normal
- northern
- nostalgic
- notable
- notation
- notice
- nucleus
- numeral
- numerator
- numerous
- oasis
- obedient
- obese
- object
- oblige
- oblong
- obscure
- observe
- obstacle
- obstruct
- obtuse
- obvious
- occasion
- occupy
- ocean
- octagon
- octave
- octopus
- offend
- official
- operation
- opinion
- opportunity
- opposite
- optimist
- orchard
- organize
- original
- ornament
- ounce
- outcome
- oxygen
- painful
- paradise
- paragraph
- pardon
- partial
- particle
- particular
- passage
- passenger
- passion
- passive
- patient
- patriot
- pattern
- pause
- pennies
- pentagon
- people
- perception
- perform
- period
- permanent
- permission
- person
- persuade
- pharmacy
- phonics
- photograph
- physical
- pickle
- picture
- pigment
- pilgrim
- pioneer
- planets
- playful
- pleasant
- plentiful
- plethora
- plough
- poetry
- point
- pollute
- polygon
- popular
- porch
- porridge
- portable
- portion
- position
- possible
- poultry
- pound
- practice
- predict
- preferable
- prefix
- prehistoric
- prepare
- present
- president
- prestige
- prevent
- preview
- principal
- principle
- prism
- private
- probability
- problem
- process
- proficient
- prompt
- pronoun
- pronounce
- propagate
- property
- protect
- provision
- psychology
- publish
- punishment
- purpose
- pyramid
- quaint
- quarrel
- quarter
- queen
- quench
- quest
- question
- queue
- quick
- quiver
- quotient
- radiant
- radius
- rapidly
- ration
- ready
- reason
- received
- recently
- recommend
- reduce
- referred
- refined
- reflect
- reform
- refraction
- refugee
- regenerate
- regional
- regret
- regular
- reiterate
- relationship
- release
- religion
- remain
- remarkable
- remedy
- repair
- repeat
- replace
- represent
- reptile
- request
- research
- respiratory
- restaurant
- reusable
- reversible
- review
- rhythm
- rivalry
- robotics
- rounding
- route
- rupture
- sacred
- saliva
- satisfy
- saturated
- saucer
- scamper
- scandal
- scatter
- science
- scissors
- scream
- scribble
- search
- search
- season
- second
- sediment
- seldom
- sensational
- sensible
- separate
- sequence
- serene
- serious
- servant
- session
- settle
- shadow
- shallow
- sheath
- shelf
- shoulder
- shout
- shriek
- shrink
- significant
- similar
- sincere
- singer
- sister
- sleeve
- snatch
- sneak
- snowball
- snuggle
- society
- solace
- soldiers
- solution
- source
- southern
- speak
- specific
- sphere
- spinning
- splendid
- spread
- sprinkle
- sputter
- square
- squirm
- squirt
- stagger
- standard
- statement
- steady
- sticker
- stitch
- stomach
- storage
- straight
- strange
- strategy
- stressful
- stretch
- sturdy
- subdivision
- subject
- sublime
- submarine
- submerge
- subscribe
- substance
- substitute
- subtract
- succeed
- suddenly
- suffering
- sufficient
- suggest
- sunshine
- superior
- supply
- support
- suppose
- surplus
- surprise
- surround
- survive
- swaddle
- sweater
- syllable
- symbol
- sympathy
- system
- tangible
- tardy
- teacher
- technology
- teenager
- telegraph
- telescope
- temperature
- tenacious
- tenderly
- terrace
- terrified
- territory
- texture
- theme
- thermometer
- thirsty
- thought
- thousandth
- threaten
- through
- thump
- tissue
- toaster
- together
- tolerate
- tornado
- torture
- traction
- tradition
- tragedy
- trampoline
- transmit
- transparent
- transport
- treasure
- tremble
- tremor
- triangle
- tripod
- trophy
- trouble
- trumpet
- truncate
- truthful
- tumult
- tundra
- twilight
- typhoon
- typical
- umbrella
- umpire
- uncle
- underline
- understood
- unevenly
- uniform
- union
- unique
- unison
- universe
- unlikely
- unpredictable
- upbeat
- upright
- upsetting
- upstream
- utmost
- utopia
- vacuum
- valiant
- valuable
- vapor
- various
- velvety
- venture
- verdant
- vertical
- vessel
- vibrant
- victory
- villain
- violin
- visible
- visual
- vivid
- voice
- volcano
- volume
- volunteer
- voyage
- wander
- warning
- watershed
- wealth
- weather
- weigh
- welcome
- western
- wheelbarrow
- whimsy
- whirl
- whisper
- whistle
- winsome
- witness
- wobble
- wonder
- wondrous
- worthless
- wrath
- wreckage
- wrench
- wrinkle
- xerox
- yawn
- yearning
- yeast
- yellow
- yield
- youth
- zeal
- zebra
- zephyr
- zeroes
- zigzag