Pongal and Republic Day Celebrations 2025
Bighelp Spelling Bee Contest - Word List - Level 1
Welcome to Bighelp Spelling Bee word list. Click on any word in this list to learn each word. We have provided reference links for each word from Wikipedia.org and Disctionary.com to assist the children in exploring each word in addition to spelling the word.
- abdomen
- about
- above
- absence
- absorb
- abundant
- academy
- accept
- accident
- accuse
- achieve
- acorn
- across
- action
- active
- acute
- addition
- adjust
- advance
- advise
- affect
- afford
- afraid
- again
- agency
- agony
- ahead
- airspace
- alarm
- allow
- alone
- aloud
- always
- among
- amount
- ancestor
- anchor
- ancient
- angel
- angle
- angry
- animal
- ankle
- announce
- answer
- apart
- applaud
- appoint
- argue
- around
- arrange
- arrive
- arrogant
- arrow
- artist
- assume
- assure
- attack
- attract
- author
- autumn
- avenue
- average
- avoid
- await
- award
- bacteria
- bakery
- balloon
- bamboo
- banana
- bandage
- baseball
- bashful
- basket
- batch
- beach
- beacon
- beautiful
- because
- beetle
- before
- begin
- behave
- behind
- believe
- belong
- below
- beneath
- betray
- between
- bicycle
- binder
- birthday
- biscuit
- blame
- blast
- blood
- blouse
- board
- borrow
- bottle
- branch
- bread
- breakfast
- breath
- breeze
- brick
- bridge
- bright
- broil
- broke
- broom
- brown
- bruise
- brunch
- brush
- bubble
- build
- bumper
- bunch
- bundle
- burst
- butterfly
- cabin
- calendar
- camera
- campfire
- candle
- candy
- canoe
- capacity
- capital
- captain
- captive
- carnival
- carpet
- carriage
- carrot
- carry
- cartoon
- cascade
- castle
- catch
- celebrate
- center
- chair
- chalk
- champion
- chance
- change
- character
- charm
- cheerful
- chicken
- children
- chimney
- chocolate
- choke
- choose
- chores
- church
- circle
- civil
- clarinet
- classroom
- clear
- clerk
- clever
- climax
- climb
- clock
- college
- color
- comet
- comic
- comment
- common
- compass
- computer
- connect
- contact
- context
- control
- cookie
- corner
- couch
- cough
- courage
- cousin
- crack
- cradle
- crash
- crawl
- crayon
- cream
- crisp
- crouch
- crown
- cruise
- crumb
- crunch
- cuddle
- culture
- curious
- curve
- custom
- cycle
- dairy
- damage
- dance
- danger
- decimal
- decorate
- decoy
- delicate
- delicious
- delight
- dentist
- depart
- desert
- deserve
- design
- desire
- device
- diary
- digit
- dinner
- dinosaur
- direction
- discover
- disease
- dislike
- divide
- doctor
- dollar
- dolphin
- double
- doubt
- dozen
- dragon
- drawer
- dream
- dribble
- drink
- drown
- dungeon
- eagle
- earth
- easel
- editor
- effect
- effort
- eight
- elect
- elephant
- elevate
- enemy
- energy
- engine
- enjoy
- enough
- equal
- eraser
- error
- essay
- estate
- evening
- event
- every
- exact
- exceed
- excuse
- exhaust
- expense
- expert
- expire
- explain
- fairy
- faith
- family
- famous
- fantastic
- farmer
- fashion
- fasten
- father
- fatigue
- fault
- favorite
- feast
- feather
- feeble
- fence
- festival
- fetch
- fiction
- fierce
- figure
- filthy
- flavor
- flexible
- flight
- float
- floor
- flour
- flower
- fluid
- focus
- follow
- forecast
- forest
- forever
- formula
- fossil
- foster
- fountain
- frame
- freak
- frequent
- fresh
- friday
- fridge
- friend
- frighten
- front
- frost
- frown
- fruit
- fungus
- furious
- fusion
- future
- galaxy
- gallon
- garage
- garden
- gather
- gentle
- genuine
- geology
- gesture
- ghost
- giant
- giraffe
- gleam
- glimpse
- glitch
- glove
- golden
- goose
- gorilla
- govern
- gracious
- grade
- grain
- grand
- grapes
- graph
- grasp
- grease
- great
- green
- grief
- ground
- group
- guard
- guess
- guest
- guide
- guilty
- guitar
- halloween
- hammer
- hamster
- happen
- harass
- harsh
- harvest
- hazard
- headache
- health
- heard
- heart
- heaven
- heavy
- height
- hexagon
- hidden
- highway
- history
- holiday
- honest
- honor
- horizon
- horror
- hotel
- house
- humble
- humid
- humor
- hundred
- hybrid
- hygiene
- iceberg
- icicle
- ideal
- igloo
- ignore
- iguana
- image
- import
- impress
- improve
- incline
- infant
- infection
- infer
- infinite
- inhale
- initiate
- injury
- innocent
- insert
- intense
- invite
- island
- jacket
- jaguar
- january
- jealous
- jewel
- joint
- journal
- journey
- joyful
- judge
- juggle
- juice
- jungle
- junior
- justice
- kangaroo
- kayak
- kernel
- ketchup
- kettle
- keynote
- kidnap
- kidney
- kingdom
- kitchen
- kitten
- knead
- knife
- knight
- knock
- koala
- labour
- ladder
- ladybug
- langur
- lantern
- large
- laugh
- launch
- lawyer
- leader
- league
- leapt
- learn
- lease
- leaves
- lecture
- legacy
- legend
- leisure
- length
- lesson
- letter
- level
- library
- license
- light
- limited
- liquid
- listen
- litter
- little
- lizard
- locate
- locker
- logic
- loose
- lotion
- lottery
- loyal
- luggage
- lunch
- luxury
- machine
- magician
- magnet
- mailbox
- maize
- manage
- manners
- mantel
- mantle
- marble
- material
- medium
- meeting
- memory
- mercy
- middle
- mighty
- million
- minute
- mirror
- missing
- mister
- misuse
- mitten
- modern
- moment
- money
- monster
- month
- morning
- mortal
- mother
- motorcycle
- mould
- mountain
- mouth
- movie
- multiply
- muscle
- music
- mystery
- narrate
- narrow
- native
- navigate
- necklace
- nectarine
- needle
- neighbor
- nerve
- nickel
- night
- noble
- noise
- noodle
- north
- notice
- novel
- november
- nozzle
- number
- nurse
- nutrient
- oasis
- obtain
- obvious
- occupy
- ocean
- octopus
- offend
- office
- offline
- ointment
- operation
- opinion
- oppose
- optician
- option
- orchid
- organs
- origin
- otter
- ounce
- overdue
- owner
- oxygen
- package
- packet
- pajamas
- palace
- pancake
- paper
- parent
- partner
- party
- paste
- pastel
- patient
- patriots
- pattern
- peace
- peach
- pebble
- pencil
- penguin
- penny
- people
- photo
- piano
- picture
- piece
- pilot
- planet
- plastic
- playground
- pleasant
- please
- pluck
- poem
- polish
- polite
- popular
- portion
- portrait
- positive
- powder
- practice
- precious
- predict
- prepare
- president
- pretty
- previous
- primary
- prince
- princess
- problem
- produce
- product
- profound
- progress
- project
- promise
- protein
- proud
- public
- puddle
- pumpkin
- punch
- purchase
- purpose
- purse
- quack
- quaint
- quality
- quart
- quarter
- queen
- question
- queue
- quick
- quiet
- quilt
- quite
- quote
- raccoon
- radiant
- rainbow
- rainfall
- raise
- raisins
- reaction
- reading
- realize
- reason
- recall
- receive
- recent
- recess
- recipe
- recite
- record
- recycle
- reduce
- refugee
- refuse
- region
- release
- relevant
- relief
- relocate
- remedy
- remember
- repeat
- require
- research
- resource
- respect
- response
- restaurant
- restrict
- result
- resume
- return
- reunite
- roast
- robot
- rotate
- rough
- round
- route
- routine
- royal
- rumour
- saint
- sample
- sandwich
- sanitary
- sauce
- scent
- schedule
- scholar
- school
- science
- scissors
- scoop
- scooter
- score
- scratch
- scream
- screen
- season
- secret
- security
- sentence
- separate
- serious
- service
- session
- settle
- severe
- shadow
- shape
- share
- shark
- shirt
- shock
- shook
- short
- shoulder
- shout
- shovel
- shower
- shrug
- sibling
- sidewalk
- sight
- signal
- silent
- simple
- sincere
- sister
- sketch
- sleep
- slide
- sloth
- slush
- smart
- smell
- smile
- smoke
- snack
- snail
- snake
- sneakers
- snowflake
- soccer
- someone
- sound
- source
- south
- speak
- speed
- spelling
- sphere
- spoon
- sport
- spouse
- spray
- spread
- square
- squats
- squirrel
- squirt
- stack
- stain
- stairs
- stamp
- statue
- steady
- steal
- steam
- sticker
- stink
- stomach
- stone
- stood
- store
- stove
- strain
- strawberry
- stream
- stripes
- strong
- student
- stump
- sturdy
- subject
- subtract
- sudden
- suffer
- supper
- support
- surface
- surgeon
- suspend
- swallow
- sweat
- sweater
- sweet
- swipe
- symbol
- symptom
- table
- taste
- tattoo
- teacher
- tedious
- telephone
- telescope
- tempt
- tender
- theater
- theme
- thick
- thigh
- think
- thread
- three
- throat
- throne
- throw
- thunder
- thursday
- ticket
- tight
- timid
- tired
- tissue
- title
- toast
- today
- toddler
- together
- tomatoes
- tongue
- tonight
- tooth
- torch
- tornado
- touch
- tough
- tourist
- tower
- traffic
- tragedy
- train
- transport
- travel
- treasure
- treat
- trend
- trick
- trigger
- trillion
- triple
- troop
- trophy
- trouble
- trunk
- trust
- truthful
- tumble
- tumor
- tunnel
- turkey
- turtle
- tweak
- twist
- ulcer
- umbrella
- umpire
- undo
- unicorn
- uniform
- union
- unique
- united
- universe
- update
- upstairs
- urban
- urgent
- usage
- usher
- usual
- utensil
- utility
- utilize
- utmost
- utter
- vacation
- vaccine
- vacuum
- valley
- value
- vanish
- variety
- various
- vault
- vegetable
- vehicle
- venue
- verify
- vibrant
- victim
- victory
- video
- village
- villain
- violate
- violin
- vision
- visitor
- visual
- voice
- volcano
- volume
- voyage
- waffle
- wagon
- walking
- warranty
- warrior
- watch
- watermelon
- wealth
- weather
- weigh
- weight
- weird
- welcome
- whack
- whale
- wheat
- where
- whine
- whisk
- whisper
- whistle
- whole
- wicked
- window
- winner
- winter
- witch
- without
- wizard
- wonder
- world
- wound
- wrapper
- wreath
- wreck
- wrench
- wrestle
- wrinkle
- wrist
- write
- xerox
- xylophone
- yacht
- yarn
- yearn
- yellow
- yogurt
- young
- zeal
- zebra