
Chand Pasha & Hameeda Shaik

Chand Pasha & Hameeda Shaik volunteered at Bighelp and worked with other volunteers to organize fundraisers and promotional events. Bighelp appreciates Chand Pasha & Hameeda Shaik for devoting time, energy and for making the event(s) successful.

Volunteered at the following Events:            
Event Name Event Date
Boston Area Regional Contests 2024 (BARC 2024)07-Dec-2024
Pongal and Republic Day Celebrations 2020 - 2020ma11-Jan-2020
Pongal and Republic Day Celebrations 2019 - 2019ma12-Jan-2019
Bighelp New Jersey Regional Contests 2018 (NJRC 2018) - njrc1815-Dec-2018
Bighelp Family 5K Run/Walk 2018 -fivekrun201822-Sep-2018
Bighelp New Hampshire S.T.E.A.M Event 2018 - 2018nh13-May-2018
Pongal and Republic Day Celebrations 2018 - 2018ma13-Jan-2018
Bighelp New Hampshire S.T.E.A.M Event 2017 - 2017nh15-Apr-2017
Pongal and Republic Day Celebrations 2017 - 2017ma14-Jan-2017
Bighelp North Carolina Regional Contests 2016 - nc121610-Dec-2016
Spirit of Shrewsbury Fall Festival 201624-Sep-2016
Youth Internship - Summer 2016 - 2016intern01-Jul-2016
Orlando 4th Annual Event 2016 - 2016fl07-May-2016
Bighelp Bay Area 4th Annual S.T.E.A.M Event 2016 - 2016ca23-Apr-2016
Pongal - Republic Day Celebrations 2016 - Boston - 2016ma09-Jan-2016
BARC 2015 (Boston Area Regional Contests 2015) - barc1512-Dec-2015
Bighelp New Hampshire S.T.E.A.M event 2015 - 2015nh20-Jun-2015
Bighelp Bay Area 3rd Annual S.T.E.A.M Event 2015 - 2015ca30-May-2015
Atlanta 2nd Annual Event 2015 - 2015ga02-May-2015
Orlando 3rd Annual Event 2015 - 2015fl02-May-2015
Bighelp Super 6 Cup - Cricket Tournament 201525-Apr-2015
Free Workshop For College Admissions - Apr 201525-Apr-2015
Youth Internship - Summer 2015 - 2015intern22-Apr-2015
Public Speaking Workshop - Speech & Debate Tournament01-Mar-2015
Pongal - Republic Day Celebrations 2015 - Boston - 201510-Jan-2015
Bighelp Art Contest 2014 - Boston06-Dec-2014
Youth Internship - Summer 201420-Jun-2014
Pongal - Republic Day Celebrations 2014 - Atlanta - 2014ga11-Jan-2014
Pongal - Republic Day Celebrations 2014 - Boston - 201411-Jan-2014
Pongal - Republic Day Celebrations 2014 - California - 2014ca11-Jan-2014
Orlando 2nd Annual Event 2014 - 2014fl11-Jan-2014
Orlando Annual Event 2013 - 2013fl11-May-2013
Pongal - Republic Day Celebrations 2013 - California - 2013ca26-Jan-2013
Pongal - Republic Day Celebrations 2013 - Boston - 201305-Jan-2013
Natyanjali 201230-Jun-2012
Pongal - Republic Day Celebrations 2012 - Boston - 201207-Jan-2012
Mohini Bhasmasura 201123-Jul-2011
Pongal - Republic Day Celebrations 2011 - Boston - 201108-Jan-2011
Natyanjali 201028-Aug-2010
Pongal - Republic Day Celebrations 2010 - Boston - 201009-Jan-2010
Pongal - Republic Day Celebrations 2009 - Boston - 200910-Jan-2009
Pongal - Republic Day Celebrations 2008 - Boston - 2008 12-Jan-2008
Pongal - Republic Day Celebrations 2007 - Boston03-Feb-2007
Pongal - Republic Day Celebrations 2006 - Boston15-Jan-2006
Pongal - Republic Day Celebrations 2005 - Boston09-Jan-2005
Republic Day Celebrations 2004 - Boston24-Jan-2004
India Day 200316-Aug-2003
Fun-A-Thon 2003 (1st Annual Event, Boston, MA)03-Aug-2003

View Compassion Profile for Chand Pasha & Hameeda Shaik