Project Details

Sponsor A Child - Namavaram, Year 2015 - 16

Namavaram, Nalgonda District, Telangana
Located at Zilla Parishad High School Namavaram village, Nalgonda District, Telangana, India, this project serves the children in and around the villages of Raghavapuram and Namavram. All 10 children sponsored in this project under Sponsor-A-Child program are Semi-orphan and financially backward. All of these children are at the brink of discontinuing their studies due to their deprived condition before Bighelp sponsor their education.

This project has been initiated in memory of Mrs. Anuradha Kancharla by her family and friends at Eagle Investment Systems and BNY Mellon, MA, USA.

Watch Video Of Fundraiser Organized at Eagle Investment Systems

This is the fourth project in the district of Nalgonda and is the 36th active project for Bighelp in the both states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana under Sponsor-A-Child program. This project helps the orphans and underprivileged children to continue their studies with the support of their sponsoring donors. In addition to getting financial assistance to pay the school fees, buy books, clothes, shoes, educational material and private tuition, in this program children are benefited from more individual attention by our project directors and project committee (group of Bighelp volunteers) that has been established in this village. These students will continue to get the sponsorship from Bighelp until they complete their 12th grade as long as they continue to perform well and meet the eligibility criteria.

There are many children in and around the village of Namvaram who have no option but abandon their schooling and go to work to support their family. The situation is even worse if the child does not have parents and earn their bread themselves. For all children sponsored under this project, it was almost everyday struggle for their existence and continuing their education was distant dream. Bighelp was able to form a project committee with the support of school headmaster, teachers, and villagers to help these underprivileged children and hope to give them a gift of bright future with the help of the sponsoring donor.

Following is the List of Children Sponsored in this Project :
ID Name Village District
C1704 Chandana Mattipelly Namavaram Nalgonda
C1703 Leela Vara Prasad Namoju Raghavapuram Nalgonda
C1707 Madhu Kuncham Raghavapuram Nalgonda
C1705 Navya Kotha Namavaram Nalgonda
C1700 Radha Alige Raghavapuram Suryapet
C1701 Sai Krishna Kalpagiri Namavaram Suryapet
C1706 Senthil Sarvi Namavaram Nalgonda
C1708 Shireesha Mattipelly Raghavapuram Nalgonda
C1702 Swathi Penuguluri Namavaram Nalgonda
C1699 Uday Kumar Pulipalpula Namavaram Nalgonda
Project Geographic Information
Namavaram is a Village in Mothey Mandal in Nalgonda District of Telangana State, India. It is located 63 KM towards East from District head quarters Nalgonda. 7 KM from Mothey.
School Information
Zilla Parishad High School is situated in Namavaram village and it was established in 1952. Students from nearby villages namely Namavaram and Raghavapuram are educating themselves from this school. It is co-education school with present strength of 222 students and 15 teachers.

Project Inaugural Information
Inaugural function of Bighelp project at Namavaram Zilla Parishad High school has been conducted in the school premises with following personnel. 10 students have been selected studying between 5th and 9th grades.

1. Mr. Jawaharlal Rambarki - Secretary, Bighelp
2. Mr. Gopal Rao Mandal Educational Officer, Mothey
3. Mr. V.L.N. Chary Head Master, Z.P.H.School Namavaram
4. Mr. D.Koteswara Rao, Project Director, Bighelp
5. Mr. P. Mallesh Tekumatla Project Director
6. School staff and students
7. Local Journalists

Mr. Jawaharlal has explained the formation of Bighelp For Education, its aims and present activities of the organization and asked the students to improve their performance.

PCC has welcomed Bighelp For Education to their village and school and asked the students to best utilize the facility extended by the organization for improvement of their future.

M.E.O. has stressed the need of Govt / Z.P.H. teachers and staff to motivate the students in competing with the corporate school.

Later the material procured by PD for the students was distributed by the dignitaries on the dais to the students.

Project Commitee Members
Name Designation Email Phone Number
Lakshmi Narsimha Chari Bogoju Project Commitee Chairman 9849595630   9492876812
Sudheer Banoth Project Director 9182982580   
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Project Start DateProject Current Status