Bighelp Spelling Bee Contest - Word List - Senior Level
Welcome to Bighelp Spelling Bee word list. Click on any word in this list to learn each word. We have provided reference links for each word from and to assist the children in exploring each word in addition to spelling the word.
- acapella
- acquiescence
- acquisitive
- adamantine
- adhesion
- admonitory
- adventurism
- aerolithology
- agglutinate
- airborne
- allopelagic
- altruistically
- amalgamate
- ambidextrous
- amphidromic
- anachronistic
- ancillary
- apartheid
- aphrodisiac
- apocalyptic
- apotheosis
- arabesque
- arachnid
- archipelago
- armageddon
- asphyxiation
- atheistic
- atmogenic
- atrocious
- avionics
- ayatollah
- ballistics
- bamboozle
- barbiturate
- benediction
- benevolent
- benighted
- bequeath
- biofeedback
- birdie
- blandishment
- blustering
- bolshevik
- bona fide
- boondoggle
- botanical
- brigade
- broguing
- bulbous
- bullion
- bunyanesque
- buoyancy
- bushwhack
- caballero
- cacophonous
- caliber
- cameo
- campaign
- capitulation
- cardiologist
- charisma
- chevrette
- chilblain
- chronologize
- chrysalis
- coalition
- colloquium
- colossal
- commemorate
- commingle
- concierge
- concise
- confabulation
- conflagration
- constitute
- contingency
- conveyance
- corrugated
- couchette
- cranial
- croesus
- crusoe
- cryptanalysis
- cumulonimbus
- cyclolysis
- dauntless
- decorous
- delve
- demographic
- denomination
- deposition
- descry
- despotic
- destitution
- dilapidated
- disabuse
- disheveled
- dissent
- dissimilitude
- dixiecrat
- docile
- dowdy
- dreary
- dyslexia
- dystopia
- ecclesiastic
- effluent
- elaborate
- emphasizing
- endothelium
- enzyme
- epibenthos
- epilogue
- epitome
- escadrille
- eschew
- espionage
- ethnology
- eupepsia
- euphemism
- evangelist
- excruciating
- exorbitant
- expatriate
- extraneous
- exultation
- fallible
- farce
- farcical
- fastidious
- feign
- feral
- flinch
- formidable
- fortuitous
- fratricide
- frenzied
- fritter
- fulminate
- fungible
- fusilli
- fustanella
- garrulous
- gasconade
- gentrification
- geopolitical
- germinate
- gibbet
- grandeur
- grandiloquent
- groin
- grotesque
- guerrilla
- gynarchy
- gyrate
- harlequin
- holocaust
- homogenize
- homunculus
- honorarium
- hookaroon
- hooligan
- horrendous
- huggermugger
- hypochondriac
- hypolimnion
- idiosyncrasy
- ignominiously
- illustrious
- immemorial
- impromptu
- incendiarism
- inception
- infinitesimal
- infuriating
- intercession
- irascibility
- irrefutable
- irresolute
- isohaline
- isthumus
- jingoism
- jurisprudence
- juxtaposition
- kamikaze
- karaoke
- kestrel
- kinescope
- kremlinology
- labyrinthine
- lacerate
- languish
- larynx
- lassitude
- lattice
- leotard
- lethe
- limerick
- lineaments
- lodestar
- lucre
- luminary
- machiavellian
- magistracy
- maim
- matrilineal
- mausoleum
- melancholy
- mercantile
- meticulously
- minaret
- misanthropic
- misapprehension
- mistletoe
- mnemonic
- modus operandi
- musette
- mystique
- nefarious
- nenuphar
- neocolonialism
- niobium
- nonproliferation
- obfuscate
- officious
- ostentatious
- pachyderm
- papier-mache
- parietal
- paterfamilias
- penurious
- peripheral
- pharmacognosy
- pharynx
- philatelist
- philhellenism
- philologist
- picaresque
- pirouette
- plebiscite
- plinth
- pneumatic
- poltergeist
- precocious
- primogeniture
- progenitor
- prognostication
- provocateur
- psychobabble
- psychosomatic
- pyrometallurgical
- quasi
- quiddity
- quintessence
- reappraisal
- recrimination
- repatriate
- resplendent
- resuscitate
- revisionist
- rhetoric
- riffraff
- sanctimonious
- saturnine
- scrounge
- serotonin
- shalom
- shenanigans
- silhouette
- skittish
- sleight
- smorgasbord
- sphinx
- spontaneity
- spoonerism
- squeamish
- strangulation
- stultify
- subservient
- superencipherment
- supernumerary
- surreptitious
- surveillance
- swarthy
- swashbuckling
- syllogism
- symbiosis
- symphonette
- symposium
- synchroneity
- synchronize
- syncopation
- synthesis
- tangential
- tantalize
- taphephobia
- tempestuous
- transcend
- transcendent
- trattoria
- trellis
- ubiquitous
- umbrage
- unabashed
- urchin
- usurious
- variegated
- vehemence
- veneer
- veracity
- verbalize
- veritable
- vicariously
- vicissitude
- visceral
- vitriolic
- winebibber
- wretchedness
- zephyr
- abacist
- abhorrently
- aborigine
- abradant
- accumulation
- acromegaly
- actinide
- addenda
- adoptee
- aerated
- agrarianism
- albeit
- alcazar
- alchemy
- alphanumerical
- anomaly
- anthropology
- aquiline
- archaic
- attorneys
- audacious
- balminess
- basilisk
- beatific
- beatitude
- bereavement
- billabong
- biscotti
- bravado
- brockage
- calibrate
- carbohydrates
- caricature
- cartel
- cartilage
- cauterize
- cellophane
- cerebellum
- chaperonage
- chasm
- Chihuahua
- cholera
- cincture
- cinematographer
- circumlocution
- cistern
- coffle
- consignment
- correspondence
- cynosure
- dalliance
- debris
- derisible
- dichotomy
- disingenuous
- dragoon
- dynamo
- Ebola
- ecru
- elaborative
- elucidate
- emulate
- endocrine
- ensemble
- entrepreneur
- epilepsy
- exaggerate
- extraordinarily
- facetious
- fallibility
- fantastically
- faux
- fictle
- firth
- fluctuant
- fluoride
- forage
- frangible
- fugleman
- geocentric
- gimmick
- gloaming
- grammarian
- grievance
- gymnure
- gyromancy
- habanero
- haughtiness
- herbaceous
- herringbone
- hexagonal
- hydronautics
- impediment
- imperilment
- impudent
- inaugurate
- indigenous
- indomitable
- inoculate
- insurrection
- intermittent
- interrogative
- invertebrate
- isolationism
- italianate
- jambalaya
- kanji
- kudize
- lichen
- limousine
- limpid
- litany
- loathe
- lugubrious
- luminosity
- magnificent
- malleable
- manageability
- mariculture
- mercerize
- millennium
- mortgage
- mozzarella
- myriad
- nebulosity
- negotiable
- obduced
- obloquy
- orthographize
- palate
- personage
- pertunium
- phalanx
- philosophize
- phylum
- pituitary
- planetarium
- poingnant
- polenta
- preposterous
- quadrilateral
- qualitative
- quarantine
- quisling
- quizzical
- qwerty
- rapport
- raucous
- recyclable
- regale
- resplendence
- retrospect
- rheometer
- ringent
- salaam
- salinity
- segue
- statistician
- stenographer
- subconscious
- subliminal
- subsequent
- supplicate
- tentativeness
- tertiary
- vernacular
- virulently
- whimsical
- whisperer
- witticism
- zigzaggedness
- zinnia
- galvanize
- percussion
- replenish
- panelist
- piecemeal
- levee
- drudgery
- paramount
- approachable
- perforate
- residential
- pizzeria
- terrarium
- sustenance
- turbulence
- enforceable
- tendency
- advantageous
- competitor
- feudal
- resurgent
- tentacle
- mahogany
- nonchalant
- wattled
- cayenne
- luscious
- electioneer
- factoid
- snarky
- receptacle
- covetous
- cultivation
- diverge
- sheathing
- collards
- monastery
- immediacy
- quadrangle
- balletic
- paralegal
- monarch
- asthma
- diamantine
- Madagascar
- constellation
- persevered
- haphazard
- playwright
- quellable
- indocile
- umbilical
- gibbon
- paralytic
- congelative
- exhilarated
- napoleon
- diabolical
- Ionic
- unmitigable
- emphatically
- monocle
- salamander
- parodic
- nebula
- festinate
- sorcerer
- balderdash
- hypertension
- premonition
- judicious
- pollutant
- decongestant
- crucible
- foosball
- gnome
- catapult
- scruple
- competitive
- monopolize
- affiliation
- apprentice
- hysterical
- miraculous
- encore
- centennial
- indelible
- financier
- rutabaga
- fallacy
- infatuation
- palatable
- ineffable
- vengeance
- analogize
- photosynthesis
- calisthenics
- adieu
- momentum
- burdensome
- soprano
- pheasant
- mallard
- burgundy
- essential
- synthetically
- pilgrimage
- hiatus
- arpeggio
- cintemporaneous
- coalescence
- comportment
- concomitant
- contemporaneous
- corpuscle
- duodenum
- effervescent
- entomophagous
- escargot
- exemplar
- extant
- extemporaneous
- fossilize
- fuchsias
- fuselage
- gastroenterology
- genre
- glucocorticoid
- gouge
- grandiloquence
- hyacinth
- idyll or idyl
- incendiary
- incunabulum
- indubitable
- kyoodle
- laureation
- leechcraft
- leliosis
- lorikeet
- mayoralty
- mezzanine
- monstrosity
- pallor
- parliamentary
- pompadour
- Pompeii
- posthumous
- pullet
- Pyrrhic victory
- scythe
- somnambulist
- spelunker
- stroganoff
- succinct
- surmountable
- surrealist
- tachistoscope
- thalassic
- thespian
- thistle
- timorously
- topiarist
- tutelage
- ullage
- unwonted
- vacillate
- woebegone
- xanthic
- xenophobic
- xerophyte
- yokel
- hawkeye
- metronome
- Sasquatch
- gargoyle
- philodendron
- megatonnage
- indefeasible
- obstreperous
- marguerite
- Brahmsian
- bathymetry
- schlockmeister
- phlebitis
- espagnole
- pantisocracy
- formaldehyde
- ichthyosaur
- wentletrap
- janiform
- percutaneous
- heterostrophy
- synoptophore
- grivation
- dicotyledon
- geosynchronous
- melamine
- Montessorian
- tuberculosis
- helicoidal
- fascistic
- deluginous
- epilation
- stalactite
- Coolidgean
- calliope
- panacea
- dermatitis
- resinogenous
- seismograph
- proscenium
- impeccable
- tortellini
- gelid
- hallucination
- sinusitis
- incorrigible
- subsultory
- angioplasty
- oscilloscope
- thermotropism
- nucleophilic
- metastasize
- celerity
- iliad
- niveous
- notabilia
- cannelloni
- tholobate
- patisserie
- campanile
- epidemiology
- diapedesis
- lycanthrope
- bricolage
- rosacea
- polska
- camelopard
- transcutaneous
- proboscis
- grebe
- fiefdom
- ornithopter
- somnipathy
- totalitarian
- apocalypse
- cryonics
- flagellatory
- kimono
- truncheoned
- primwort
- danio
- osculate
- Norwegian
- nubuck
- opacity
- agoraphobia
- onerous
- vestige
- marionette
- subterranean
- psychoanalysis
- labyrinth
- enfranchise
- aggrandizement
- circuitous
- adjudicate
- omniscient
- analgesia
- conundrum
- latitudinarian
- anemone
- anticoagulant
- paramecium
- rotisserie
- brigadier
- haddock
- whetstone
- candelabra
- attrition
- mosquitoey
- crocodilian
- aioli
- airborne
- archaic
- arachnid
- adhesion
- altruistically
- ambidextrous
- avionics
- armageddon
- archipelago
- atrocious
- acquisitive
- atheistic
- benevolent
- bequeath
- ballistics
- benighted
- buoyancy
- bushwhack
- botanical
- brigade
- bulbous
- birdie
- bona fide
- bullion
- crusoe
- campaign
- cranial
- commingle
- colossal
- coalition
- cacophonous
- caliber
- cameo
- cardiologist
- charisma
- commemorate
- concise
- constitute
- contingency
- dixiecrat
- dissent
- dreary
- dauntless
- decorous
- demographic
- deposition
- disheveled
- destitution
- dilapidated
- disabuse
- descry
- docile
- dyslexia
- dowdy
- despotic
- denomination
- delve
- effluent
- elaborate
- excruciating
- ethnology
- evangelist
- exorbitant
- epitome
- epilogue
- eschew
- expatriate
- extraneous
- exultation
- formidable
- fritter
- fulminate
- fungible
- frenzied
- fortuitous
- fastidious
- fallible
- farcical
- feign
- flinch
- farce
- feral
- garrulous
- geopolitical
- germinate
- gibbet
- grandeur
- grotesque
- guerrilla
- groin
- gasconade
- huggermugger
- hooligan
- horrendous
- hypochondriac
- holocaust
- homogenize
- idiosyncrasy
- ignominiously
- illustrious
- immemorial
- impromptu
- inception
- isthumus
- irrefutable
- irresolute
- infuriating
- intercession
- jurisprudence
- jingoism
- kamikaze
- kinescope
- lassitude
- leotard
- limerick
- luminary
- lacerate
- lattice
- lineaments
- lodestar
- lucre
- languish
- machiavellian
- misapprehension
- matrilineal
- melancholy
- meticulously
- mnemonic
- mystique
- mercantile
- minaret
- modus operandi
- magistracy
- maim
- nefarious
- neocolonialism
- nonproliferation
- obfuscate
- officious
- ostentatious
- parietal
- paterfamilias
- penurious
- peripheral
- philatelist
- plebiscite
- plinth
- pneumatic
- precocious
- primogeniture
- progenitor
- psychobabble
- psychosomatic
- Pyrrhic victory
- quiddity
- quasi
- resplendent
- resuscitate
- riffraff
- revisionist
- rhetoric
- scrounge
- serotonin
- shalom
- skittish
- shenanigans
- silhouette
- sleight
- smorgasbord
- sphinx
- spontaneity
- stultify
- subliminal
- subservient
- succinct
- surveillance
- swarthy
- syllogism
- symbiosis
- symposium
- synchronize
- synthesis
- tangential
- tantalize
- tempestuous
- transcend
- variegated
- veneer
- verbalize
- veritable
- vitriolic