Child Details

Pavan Kumar Jaripiti (ID:c1294)
Sponsor's Details:
Sponsor's Name Start Date End Date
Mahesh Krishnan & Anna Loganathan 01-Jun-2014 31-Aug-2015
Esther Fernandes 01-Sep-2015 31-Aug-2018
Syntel Corp 01-Sep-2018 31-Oct-2022
Kummy Doraiswamy 01-Nov-2022 31-May-2024
Child Address for communication:
Mailing Address School Name & Address
C/O Govinda Rajulu Jaripiti
Puttaparthi Mandal
Anantapur Dist.
AP, India 515231
CMS College
Vijayawada Mandal
Krishna Dist.
AP, India 515231
Personal Details :
Date of Birth Student Status Sex Current Grade Grade On Start Dt. Medium
On File Financially very poor Male -N/A- 7 English
Guardian Name Relationship with Guardian Family Source of Income Family Annual Income (INR)
Govinda Rajulu Jaripiti Father Coolie 12,000
Hobbies Lifetime Goal
Reading books and Playing cricket To become an Engineer
Pavan Kumar Jaripiti has passed 10th Class with 9.5 on 29-Apr-2018.
Bighelp thanks the donor  01-Jun-2014 
Bighelp thanks Mahesh Krishnan & Anna Loganathan for kindly sponsoring the education of Pavan Kumar Jaripiti.
Student performance review  06-Dec-2014 
Executive committee members USA and India talked with Pavan Kumar Jaripiti during voice conference on 06th December 2014. They enquired about his education and providing needy things by his Project Director. He replied that the PD is fulfilling his needs.
Sponsorship has been continued  01-Jun-2015 
The sponsorship for Pavan Kumar Jaripiti has been continued by Mahesh Krishnan & Anna Loganathan
Bighelp thanks the donor  01-Sep-2015 
Bighelp thanks Esther Fernandes for kindly sponsoring the education of Pavan Kumar Jaripiti.
Sponsorship has been continued  01-Sep-2016 
The sponsorship for Pavan Kumar Jaripiti has been continued by Esther Fernandes
Student Performance Analysis  20-Dec-2016 
Mr. Srinivasa Rao A.E.D. (Projects) talked with Pavan Kumar Jaripiti on 20th December 2016. He reviewed performance and made suggestions to get good marks in future examinations also. He also enquired about the list of items being provided by project director every month. He asked about family status and personal problems being faced by Pavan Kumar.
Sponsorship has been continued  01-Sep-2017 
The sponsorship for Pavan Kumar Jaripiti has been continued by Esther Fernandes
Sponsorship has been continued  01-Sep-2018 
The sponsorship for Pavan Kumar Jaripiti has been continued by Esther Fernandes
Bighelp thanks the donor  01-Sep-2018 
Bighelp thanks Syntel Corp for kindly sponsoring the education of Pavan Kumar Jaripiti.
Sponsorship has been continued  01-Sep-2019 
The sponsorship for Pavan Kumar Jaripiti has been continued by Syntel Corp
Sponsorship has been continued  01-Sep-2020 
The sponsorship for Pavan Kumar Jaripiti has been continued by Syntel Corp
Sponsorship has been continued  01-Sep-2021 
The sponsorship for Pavan Kumar Jaripiti has been continued by Syntel Corp
Sponsorship has been continued  01-Sep-2022 
The sponsorship for Pavan Kumar Jaripiti has been continued by Syntel Corp
Bighelp thanks the donor  01-Nov-2022 
Bighelp thanks Kummy Doraiswamy for kindly sponsoring the education of Pavan Kumar Jaripiti.
Sponsorship has been continued  01-Nov-2023 
The sponsorship for Pavan Kumar Jaripiti has been continued by Kummy Doraiswamy