Child Details

Anusha Guthi (ID:c1083)
Sponsor's Details:
Sponsor's Name Start Date End Date
Chandhra Mulinti 01-Jun-2013 31-May-2014
Vijay Konda 01-Jun-2014 31-May-2015
Balaji Paulraj 01-Jun-2015 31-May-2016
AIG Matching Grants Program 01-Jun-2016 30-Nov-2017
Child Address for communication:
Mailing Address School Name & Address
C/O Yadaiah Guthi
Jadcherla Mandal
Mahaboobnagar Dist.
AP, India 509305
D.R.B.R.R.Govt. Degree College
Jadcherla Mandal
Mahaboobnagar Dist.
AP, India 509305
Personal Details :
Date of Birth Student Status Sex Current Grade Grade On Start Dt. Medium
On File Financially very poor Female -N/A- 9 Telugu
Guardian Name Relationship with Guardian Family Source of Income Family Annual Income (INR)
Yadaiah Guthi Father Coolie 12000
Hobbies Lifetime Goal
Reading Books Playing games To become an Engineer
Bighelp thanks the donor  01-Jun-2013 
Bighelp thanks Chandhra Mulinti for kindly sponsoring the education of Anusha Guthi .
Other  30-Sep-2013 
Executive committee members USA and India talked with Anusha Guthi during voice conference on 28th September 2013. They enquired about her education and family welfare. They warned her to show more improvement in education. If she does not show improvement in her studies the sponsorship will be discontinued from next academic year.
Bighelp thanks the donor  01-Jun-2014 
Bighelp thanks Vijay Konda for kindly sponsoring the education of Anusha Guthi .
Bighelp thanks the donor  01-Jun-2015 
Bighelp thanks Balaji Paulraj for kindly sponsoring the education of Anusha Guthi .
Student Performance Analysis  08-Jun-2015 
Anusha Guthi passed 10th class with GPA 8.0 in the academic year 2014-15
Bighelp thanks the donor  01-Jun-2016 
Bighelp thanks AIG Matching Grants Program for kindly sponsoring the education of Anusha Guthi .
Sponsorship has been continued  01-Jun-2017 
The sponsorship for Anusha Guthi has been continued by AIG Matching Grants Program