Child Details

Dhanalakshmi Medida (ID:c0939)

Student Photo November 2013

Sponsor's Details:
Sponsor's Name Start Date End Date
Suryanarayana Kodukulla 01-Jun-2012 31-Aug-2021
Child Address for communication:
Mailing Address School Name & Address
C/O Bhushanam Medida
H.No. 1-99/1-1
Atreyapuram Mandal
East Godavari Dist.
AP, India 533237
Indian Institute of Information Technology
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies
Mylavaram Road
Nuzvid Mandal
Krishna Dist.
AP, India 533237
Personal Details :
Date of Birth Student Status Sex Current Grade Grade On Start Dt. Medium
On File Financially very poor Female -N/A- 8 Telugu
Guardian Name Relationship with Guardian Family Source of Income Family Annual Income (INR)
Bhushanam Medida Mother Coolie 15000
Hobbies Lifetime Goal
Reading books and Listening Music To become a Doctor
Initial Comments
Executive committee members India and USA talked with Dhanalakshmi Medida during voice conference on 22nd December 2012. They enquired about her education and family welfare. During the conversation she expressed her view that she wants to become a Doctor. The Executive committee advised her to show more attention in her studies and get more marks in future examinations to become a Doctor.
Bighelp thanks the donor  01-Jun-2012 
Bighelp thanks Suryanarayana Kodukulla for kindly sponsoring the education of Dhanalakshmi Medida.
Sponsorship has been continued  01-Jun-2013 
The sponsorship for Dhanalakshmi Medida has been continued by Suryanarayana Kodukulla
Student Performance Analysis  02-Jan-2014 
Dhanalakshmi Medida has participated Mandal level “chekumuki” Science Talent test conducted by Jana Viganan Vedika in the month of December 2013 and got 2nd prize in her mandal.
Sponsorship has been continued  01-Jun-2014 
The sponsorship for Dhanalakshmi Medida has been continued by Suryanarayana Kodukulla
Sponsorship has been continued  01-Jun-2015 
The sponsorship for Dhanalakshmi Medida has been continued by Suryanarayana Kodukulla
Student Performance Analysis  08-Jun-2015 
Dhanalakshmi Medida passed 10th class with GPA 9.8 in the academic year 2014-15
Other  04-Oct-2015 
Dhanalakshmi Medida has achieved GPA 9.8 out of 10 and has been selected for receiving Bighelp's national merit scholarship with effect from the year 2015. Dhanalakshmi will be receiving Rs. 5000 from Bighelp annually for up to 6 years until she completes her Engineering degree in Indian Institute of Information Technology.
Sponsorship has been continued  01-Jun-2016 
The sponsorship for Dhanalakshmi Medida has been continued by Suryanarayana Kodukulla
Sponsorship has been continued  01-Jun-2017 
The sponsorship for Dhanalakshmi Medida has been continued by Suryanarayana Kodukulla
Sponsorship has been continued  01-Jun-2018 
The sponsorship for Dhanalakshmi Medida has been continued by Suryanarayana Kodukulla
Sponsorship has been continued  01-Jun-2019 
The sponsorship for Dhanalakshmi Medida has been continued by Suryanarayana Kodukulla
Sponsorship has been continued  01-Jun-2020 
The sponsorship for Dhanalakshmi Medida has been continued by Suryanarayana Kodukulla
Sponsorship has been continued  01-Jun-2021 
The sponsorship for Dhanalakshmi Medida has been continued by Suryanarayana Kodukulla